Close accordion items using CSS

This method simply uses CSS added to Divi to hide the first accordion which is the one that is open by default.

To use this method you will need to follow the following steps;

  1. Add an accordion module and add your accordion items as usual.
  2. Click on add new item
  3. In the top accordion item, you just added go into the custom CSS tab and in the main element box add “display:none;”
  4. Drag this new accordion item to the top of your accordion items list.
  5. Save and preview the page and you will now see that all of your accordion items are closed by default.
The Vaughan and Ruth Adair Endowment Fund
The Alward Family Endowment Fund
The Elizabeth Bannon Endowed Fund
The Tom and Ruth Barnes Endowment Fund
The James E. Bateman Endowment Fund
The Gilbert Bowness Endowment Fund
The William and Joanne Comeau Endowment Fund
The R. Garth Cummings Endowment Fund
The Dr. Kim DeWare Endowment Fund
The J.J. Dunphy Family Endowment Fund
The Howard and Barbara Easton Endowment Fund
The John Burton Eaton Endowment Fund
The Ken and Marilyn Fenwick Endowment Fund
The Esther and Isadore Fine Endowment Fund
The Bud and Betty Fogarty Endowment Fund
The Jim and Helen Gibson Endowment Fund
The John and Shirley Hawryluk Endowment Fund
The Pauline and Ralph Jeffrey Endowment Fund
The Charles and Vicki Lawson Family Endowment Fund
The Reginald L. and Terry M.B. LeBlanc Endowment
The Imelda Leger Endowment Fund
The Anne MacBeath Endowment Fund
Ronald E. and Margurite (Peg) MacBeath Endowment
Dr. Donald MacLellan Medical Education and Research
The Robert and Margaret MacQuade Endowment Fund
The Jack Madden Endowment Fund
The Margaret McCormack Endowmend Fund
The Gloria (Corkum) McDonald Endowment Fund
The MRDIB and Cullen Family Endowment Fund
The Dr. Fred and Mrs. Joyce Murphy Endowment Fund
The Patrick and Ethel Murray Endowment Fund
The Johannes Notten and Olive and Jean Firlotte Bursary
The Hélène Ouellette Endowment Fund
The Everett and Kathleen Petley Named Endowment
The Dr. Al and Debbie Prescott Endowment Fund
The Carol and George Proctor Endowment Fund
The Provincial Chapter of NB IODE Endowment Fund
William(Bill) and Thyra Quartermain Endowment Fund
The Linda Saunders Endowment Fund
The Audrey and William Sawdon Endowment Fund
The Rebecca Schofield Endowment Fund
The Willa Sealy Endowment Fund
The Robert H. and E. Joyce Sherwood Endowment Fund
The Bernard J. Sloan Named Endowment Fund
The Robert and Minnie (Beals) Sowerby
The St. Patrick’s Family Centre Endowment Fund
The Cy and Nancy Stein and Family Endowment Fund
The Laura Jean Stevens Endowment Fund
The St-Hubert Endowment Fund
The Corey and Leah Trenholme Endowment Fund
The Honorable Mr. Justice Robert L. Tuck Endowment
The Pravin and Indu Varma Endowment Fund
The William, Anne and Gordon McRae Endowment Fund
The Lynn Whalen Memorial Endowment Fund

Community Health Research and Education Endowment Fund
Health Sciences Library Endowment Fund
Pastoral Care Education Endowment Fund
Friends of The Moncton Hospital Staff Education Fund

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